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This is the first real lesson in the my little Painting Tips & Tricks series. You can find out a little more about this in yesterday’s introduction. Well let’s jump right into these painting lessons! Before you can start painting furniture, you have to have something to paint! If you’re lucky, you’ve probably already got something …

Read More about Painting Tips and Tricks: How to Find Good Furniture Part 1

So it’s come to my attention lately that maybe I haven’t been providing as much value to you all as possible. It’s easy to get caught up in the “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t have enough experience” thought process, but the truth is, I do make a little money from painting furniture and I’ve …

Read More about Painting Tips and Tricks: An Introduction

Unlike most bloggers, I’m guessing that the majority of my readers are actually non-bloggers. This is because I know I have the awesome support of all my friends and family who continually visit my blog, even if they don’t understand the world of blogging. I’m also guessing that some of you DO want to enter …

Read More about How to Start a Blog