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Spice Cabinet Organization from Amazon

Spice Cabinet Organization from Amazon

My spice cabinet was out of control, so this week I ordered some organizers off Amazon and got to organizing. I’m sharing my new spice cabinet organization and how it’s making my life easier already. 

Tips for space cabinet organization

I’ll be honest, cooking isn’t really my thing. So while it’s always been a goal of mine to get my cabinets more organized, it hasn’t really been a priority. But then in January I did the Whole30 and fully felt the inconvenience of a unorganized spice cabinet.

A few weeks ago I went ahead and transferred my spices to glass spice jars. Let me tell you, that was a far bigger task than I anticipated. If you make the switch, be prepared for it to take a lot longer than you could ever think it would. The advantage is that now I can take the jars to a bulk food store and refill them when they’re empty. And they’re much prettier!

But switching to glass spice jars wasn’t enough to transform the entire cabinet since it was out of control.

unorganized spice cabinet

I also had a bunch of different flours hanging out on the counter because healthy recipes require a lot of different ingredients. And I couldn’t find room in the cabinet for all this extra stuff.

I was just constantly digging for what I needed and was never sure if I was out of the ingredient I was looking for if it was just hidden behind a bunch of other stuff.

Spice Cabinet Organization

So I finally got on amazon and invested in a few organizers to help clean things up:

Organized spice cabinet with acrylic organizers from Amazon

Organizing tips

Here’s a few tips for organizing your kitchen cabinets, or any space in your home really.

  • Take everything out and clean the cabinet
  • Throw away things you don’t need or want anymore
  • Refill your canisters and jars and put leftovers in a harder to reach place to free up your prime real estate
  • Group like things together
  • Put the things you things you use the most in easy to reach places
  • Don’t be afraid to try something different if your new system doesn’t work perfectly

I knew I wanted the spices and cooking oils to be within easy reach since I use them the most. I also wanted to make sure I could see everything without having to dig. So the shelf was the perfect way to stack the spices and I used the lazy susans for cooking oils and some other ingredients we use regularly, like the salt.

The acrylic storage bins are filled with baking ingredients and alternative flours. Now everything is easy to find.

On the top shelf there’s coffee (not a coffee drinker), a bin full of random BBQ spices and some extra baking supplies like cupcake liners and birthday candles.

This was a super fast and simple organizing project that I’m way too excited about. If you need me, I’ll just be in my kitchen spinning my new lazy susans for fun.

If you need help minimizing your entire home, check out my course Modern Minimalist Home.

Looking for more organizing/minimalist inspiration?


Rita C. Donnell

Friday 8th of January 2021

Wow!! Hello Kala. I love your kitchen spice cabinet ideas and tips I will follow your idea for my kitchen. Thanks for excellent sharing.

Marie Stuart

Monday 16th of March 2020

I have a cabinet with corner shelves that I could not reach. The lazy susans were the only way I could utilize the space and reach items in the far back corners without pulling everything else out.


Tuesday 31st of March 2020

They're perfect for keeping things coralled so you don't lose things back in the corner too!